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Introducing new lifeguard Leah Biensen

Leah Biensen, 15, is one of the new lifeguards at Fawcett Family Aquatic Center this year. She will be a sophomore at Nevada High School this fall.

Leah is the daughter of Tricia Biensen and Rod Biensen, both of Nevada. She has two younger brothers: Caleb, 14, who will be a freshman this fall; and Luke, 12, who will be in sixth grade.

Her school activities include volleyball, dance team, cheerleading, tennis, choir, singing in contests, student council, Key club, and FFA.

Honestly, she said, her favorite activity in the summer is being at the swimming pool, so she’s very happy to have the lifeguarding job. “I’ve always liked swimming. I did swim lessons here every single year except for last year and during COVID. The staff has always been inviting, nice and kind.”

Leah said she finds it interesting being on the lifeguard staff, because she gets to see what goes on behind the scenes and what it takes to run a facility like the aquatic center. “It’s cool to be a part of that.”

Two other fun facts about Leah: She enjoys baking, especially choc chip cookies; and in the future, she wants to be a dentist.

Next time you visit the aquatic center, say “hi” to Leah.

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