Mosquito Control
The Nevada City Council has voted to change their mosquito control program to an in-house program. All spraying will be done by city staff from the Parks and Recreation Department and the Nevada Street Department. Below is some general information regarding the mosquito control program
What type of mosquito control will be done?
The city will be spraying just like past years and will also be doing larvicide treatments as necessary (treating standing water with pellets).
When will be spraying be done?
It is the intent of the city to spray prior to special events in the community. Those events are July 4th, Story County Fair, and Lincoln Highway Days. The city will also be spraying when the mosquito count indicates the need. The city will monitor a website maintained by the ISU Entomology Department that keeps a count on the mosquito population.
Spraying will be done in the evenings, generally around 7 p.m. Spraying will typically be done on a weeknight; however, that is subject to change depending on circumstances.
Mosquito spraying is dependent on weather factors such as rain, wind, and temperature.
What city staff will be spraying?
Currently the city has individuals certified to spray on staff.
Are there no spray zones?
There are not any “no spray” zones; the entire city will be sprayed. If you wish to be notified of spraying so you can avoid the sprayer when it is in your area, please sign up for alerts.
Where do I get information on the types of chemicals being used?
The city rotates between “BioMist 4×4” and “Mosquitomist One.” These chemicals are both sprayed. The City also treats areas of standing water with “Natular XRT Larvicide.” Individuals can see chemical labels and MSDS information by accessing the web site for Clarke Mosquito Control at
What can I do to help reduce mosquitoes around my house?
- After rains, check your yard for items that can hold water such as toys, flower pots and vases, buckets, wheel barrows, etc., and empty any standing water. Anything that can hold water for a few days can breed mosquitoes.
- Empty and clean out bird baths once a week.
- Check your gutters so they don’t become clogged and hold water.
- Fill in low areas in your yard so they don’t hold water. Maintain drainage systems.
- Remove items from your yard that can hold water after it rains, such as tires, buckets, cans, etc.
- Clean out small pools at least once per week and maintain larger pools properly.
- Keep ditches and streams next to your property free of grass clippings, garbage, and other debris which can obstruct the natural flow of water.
- Store boats upside down or with a cover on to prevent water from collecting in them.
- Keep grass and weeds cut to reduce harborage areas for adult mosquitoes around your home.
- Stock ponds with small fish to eat mosquito larva.
- Check screens in doors and windows for holes and rips.
- Point our potential problem areas to neighbors and friends.
- If you have a storm drain or catch basin in your back yard, cover it with fine screen mesh or burlap to prevent mosquitoes from entering it. If this is not possible, please contact the city so we can treat it to prevent mosquito breeding.
- Bug zappers and mosquito magnets do not kill large percentages of mosquitoes in yards; do not rely on this as a means of protecting yourself and your family from mosquitoes. When going outside, especially in the evening and at night, use mosquito repellant. Also, if you are working in the garden, other heavily vegetated area, or in a shaded area during the day use mosquito repellant.
- Repellants that contain 5-10% DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) are usually the best.
You can get other good Q&A information from the CDC website.