City Engineer
The City Engineer (Howard R. Green Company) serves as the technical engineering advisor for all public and private improvements completed in the city. This includes design, and management of public infrastructure projects programmed by the City; and review of private developments for conformance with city code, policies, standards and applicable state and federal requirements. Projects are directed by the City Administrator for work including, but not limited to the following:
- Reviewing of site plans and subdivision plats for conformance with minimum standard specifications for public improvements and the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
- Attending City Council meetings to answer questions related to proposed and on-going capital improvements projects.
- Assisting City staff with resolution of technical issues related to maintenance, improvement, and expansion of public improvements.
- Providing technical assistance to City Council and staff for preparation of annual capital improvement program to consist of:
- a. Preparation of probable project construction costs
- b. Funding alternatives
- c. Assistance with prioritization of proposed improvements
- Providing outside funding source investigations to determine feasibility, requirements, application process and necessary submittals.
- Participating in meetings and conferences as the City’s technical representative for engineering issues not related to specific projects under contract.
- Other professional services that can be provided by HRG include: survey, traffic, water, wastewater, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, architectural, landscape and planning service.
- HRG through discussions with the CITY will develop supplemental Engineering Services Agreements for individual projects as programmed by the City. Dependent on the size, complexity, schedule and funding sources for the proposed improvement, the scope of required services can vary and may include services described as follows:
- a. Conceptual plan development
- b. Preliminary survey and mapping
- c. Preliminary plans
- d. Design surveys
- e. Final plans and specifications
- f. Bidding documents
- g. Construction administration
- h. Construction staking
- i. Construction observation
- j. Project closeout
- k. Record drawings
- l. Acquisition plats and legal descriptions
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