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Introducing New Lifeguard Tucker Ambrose

Tucker Ambrose, 16, is one of the new lifeguards this year at the Fawcett Family Aquatic Center. Tucker, the son of Stuart Ambrose and Dawn Mills, will be a junior at Nevada High School this fall.

He has two half-siblings, Tayler and Tyler Thompson, both older than him and both graduates of Nevada High School.

Tucker plays football as a cornerback and wide receiver. He said he’s also thinking about joining the Nevada High School tennis team this coming year. His favorite subject in school is math, which has always come easy for him.

His free time in the summer is spent hanging out with friends, playing video games (if he really has nothing else to do), and eating! He loves Smuckers Uncrustables and Ramen noodles when he’s cooking for himself!

Tucker said he loved swimming and going to the aquatic center while he was growing up. Now, as a lifeguard, he thinks it’s neat that the roles have been reversed. “When I was young, I always looked up to the lifeguards and thought they were cool. Now I am one.”

Next time you visit the aquatic center, say “hi” to Tucker!

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