
2022 Street Improvement Project (ongoing in 2023)-COMPLETED

The 2022 Street Improvement Project will include the following updates/improvements:

Division 1 —

North 11th Street, from U Avenue to W Avenue: Full asphalt reconstruction with storm sewer improvements

Lincoln Highway, from the UPRR overpass east approximately 1,900 feet, mill and asphalt overlay.

Division 2 —

S-14 (West 3rd Street), from the Union Pacific Railroad underpass south to M Avenue: Full-depth PCC or asphalt reconstruction with storm sewer improvements.

*Divisions 1 and 2 are not tied together and may be awarded to separate bidders.

Find out more:



Read about the Summer 2023 portion of this project here: Road closure coming for project along S-14 in west Nevada | City of Nevada, Iowa (

Detour Map

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