

The Nevada Municipal Cemetery is located on around 27.5 acres on the west side of Nevada. The main entrance to the cemetery is at 1026 First Street. The municipal cemetery’s operations are overseen by the Nevada Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation Board takes up matters and decisions concerning the cemetery’s services, rules and regulations. The City employs a full-time Cemetery Sexton to oversee the day-to-day upkeep and work with the public on burial plans.

The municipal cemetery has seen expansion and change through the years. The entrance along First Street was developed as a new entry around 2001. The addition of a Cremation Garden also happened in 2001. Its columbarium structure sits at the bottom of a knoll in the southwest corner of the cemetery. The cemetery also includes three “Babyland” burial areas.

The Cemetery is the site for each year’s Memorial Day Observance as long as good weather prevails. The ceremony, organized by Nevada’s Patriotic Council, takes place on the north side of the cemetery in an open grassy area. The cemetery is also beautifully lined with American Flags each Memorial Day weekend.

Cemetery Fees and Purchase of Lots

Payments for the purchase of lots/niches are required to be completed within one (1) year from the date of down payment. If payment in full is not made within one year all monies will be forfeited. Monthly payments may be arranged at the time of purchase. There will be an additional cost of $5.00 per month added to scheduled payments to cover the additional record keeping. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the price of any space will be entered into the Perpetual Care Fund.

Traditional Package: $600.00
Six Foot Package: $775.00
Infant Package: $575.00

To purchase a burial space the prospective buyer should see the Sexton or contact the Secretary, who will in turn contact the sexton, for available spaces in the area the buyer wants. When the lots are fully paid for, the city clerk will issue a deed to the buyer. The price of the lot includes perpetual care but does not include memorial maintenance or the cost of the grave opening at the time of burial.

A lot or lots may be sold by its owner by having your purchaser issue a quitclaim deed. Then you must inform the sexton of the transaction in order that the new owner’s rights will be entered in the record books of the sexton and secretary.

Rules and Regulations

The Cemetery is open to visitors at all times between the hours of sunrise and sunset. Permission to enter the cemetery at any other time must be obtained from the Cemetery Sexton or police department.

  • Persons or picnic parties with refreshments will not be allowed in the cemetery.
  • Firearms will not be allowed at the cemetery except at military funerals.
  • Visitors are required to use the walks and drives and are forbidden to trespass on cemetery lots; pick any flowers (either wild or cultivated); injure any shrub, tree or plant; or mar or deface any monument, stone or structure in the cemetery.
  • Vehicles traveling within the cemetery shall proceed at a speed not to exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour.
  • The Cemetery prohibits spreading of ashes above ground.
    Dogs will be permitted on the roadways; however, they must be cleaned up after and the owner must be in control.

FOUNDATIONS for all monuments/markers in the Nevada Municipal Cemetery:

  1. No foundation or digging before first consulting the Sexton.
  2. All foundations must be of concrete with three parts sand/gravel and one part cement unless otherwise instructed by the Sexton.
  3. Foundation must have no less than five-inch (5”) extension on each end and no less than four-inch (4”) extension on front and back.
  4. Foundation must be at least 42” deep.
  5. Depth of foundation applies to overall size.
  6. All markers at foot of graves must be ground level and without vases of any kind.
  7. All government markers must be placed at the head of a grave. If a government provided veteran marker is a secondary marker (in addition to a personal marker) it will have to be the bronze niche-plate type marker and it will be installed at the head of the grave. No foot markers will be allowed.
  8. Cremation Garden: Monuments on lots restricted to flush monuments may have a maximum width of 36” and will be flush with the highest point of the ground. Vases on flush section lots are required to be an integral part of the marker.
  9. Cremation Garden: Monuments on unrestricted lots will be required to have a granite wash. Size restrictions will be 24” maximum tablet width with vases/20” maximum tablet width without vases; 30” maximum height/6” minimum height.
  10. Cremation Garden: The bronze niche plaque must be provided by the manufacturer of the columbarium through the Nevada Municipal Cemetery and company selected as a vendor at the time of the purchase.

All setting of monuments and markers and the transportation of all tools, materials, etc., within the cemetery grounds shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Sexton.

The monument company under the supervision of the Sexton can set all foundations.

Monuments and markers will not be permitted on a lot until the lot is fully paid for. The Board of Trustees of the Nevada Municipal Cemetery reserves the right to refuse permission to erect any memorial not in keeping with the good appearance of the cemetery grounds such as marble, cement, concrete and/or wood.

Spring Clean-Up

Spring clean up will run during the third full week of April. Fall clean up will run during the third full week of October. During this time all decorations will be disposed of.

If you wish to save any flowers, pots, wire stands, etc., they need to be removed prior to the times described above; they may be placed out after the clean-up dates.

Memorial Day Clean-Up

All decorations, unless in a permanent vase installed on the stone or foundation, in saddles on the stone, or on Sheppard’s hooks placed next to the foundation will be removed from the cemetery the second week following Memorial Day.

All landscaping, including the planting of trees and shrubs, will be done by the cemetery.

Fresh cut flowers may be used at any time and will remain until, in the judgement of the Sexton, they become wilted or unsightly. Permanent containers shall be in-ground containers that do not hold water when not in use or the type placed upon the monuments or markers, such as vases or saddles. Temporary containers will be removed and disposed of when flowers are wilted and unsightly.

There will be no in-ground vases allowed in the Cremation Garden. Temporary containers will be removed and disposed of when flowers are wilted and unsightly.

PLEASE DO NOT use glass or pottery containers, pieces of wire or similar bindings to secure a basket or pot at any time. These tend to be very dangerous and have caused injuries to the workers when they are mowing and trimming.

Potted plants and/or artificial decorations may be used and may remain until the Sexton judges them to be unsightly.

city cemetery
Memorial Day Celebration at City Cemetery
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