
Peddler Information

All peddlers must operate in accordance with all provisions and restrictions as defined in City Ordinance chapter 122. Please be sure to review the full ordinance requirements.

Citizens should call the Nevada Police Department at 515-382-4305 (non emergency) to report questionable peddler activity, or if a peddler will not show you his/her permit.

Overview: (Chapter 122 of Nevada’s Code of Ordinances)

Peddler means any person carrying goods or merchandise who sells or offers for sale for immediate delivery such goods or merchandise from house to house or upon the public street. This is also one who solicits any contribution or donation or any order for goods, services, subscriptions or merchandise to be delivered at a future date.

No person shall engage in peddling, soliciting, or in the business of a transient merchant without first registering with the City of Nevada Police Department. Any person registering as a transient merchant shall provide the City Clerk evidence that such person has filed a bond with the Secretary of State.

All peddlers and solicitors who go door-to-door within the City of Nevada, must first obtain a “Peddler’s Permit”, per Nevada Code of Ordinance 122.03, from the Nevada Police Department.

A valid permit allows an individual to go door-to-door between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. All peddlers must display the permit to any prospective customer who request to view said permit.

Exempt from needing a permit

The following are excluded from needing a peddlers permit.

  1. Newspapers – persons delivering, collecting for or selling subscriptions to newspapers.
  2. Club Members – Members of local civic and service clubs, e.g., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, FFA, and similar organizations.
  3. Local Residents and Farmers who offer for sale their own product
  4. Students representing the Nevada Community School District
  5. Route Sales Delivery Person who only incidentally solicit additional business or make special sales
  6. Resale or Institutional Use – Persons customarily calling on businesses or institutions for the purpose of selling products for resale or institutional use.

How to obtain a permit?

Fill out the online application and with current identification and company information. After we receive your application, you will then receive a permit to go door-to-door. Every individual representing the company and who will be doing peddler activity within the City of Nevada needs to fill out an application and show valid identification when registering for a permit.

For all other inquiries about peddler permits, please direct your questions to the Nevada Police Department at 515-382-4305, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Current Approved Peddlers

No current peddlers

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