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Police Department

Our Mission

Welcome to the Nevada Department of Public Safety. Our Department merges Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Management and Animal Control, offering a holistic approach to all hazards and safety needs facing the City and its population.

We strive to deliver customer-friendly services to our population and visitors. We invite you to send us any concerns or comments you may have.

Our goal is to provide planning, response and mitigation of all hazards facing our City, and to partner in that effort with our citizens.

Our Goals and Objectives

Promote education, prevention, intervention, and enforcement programs to protect those who are vulnerable, redirect at risk individuals into healthier lifestyles, and deter those who would victimize our community through police decision-making, which is fair, reasonable, and respectful of individual rights and human dignity.

Increase communication regarding NPD programs and services


  • Increase community awareness
  • Increase utilization of our services
  • Increase familiarity and support



  • Encourage greater acceptance of roles
  • Improve communication
  • Provide, promote, and encourage continuing education and skill building for department staff

Traffic Initiatives

  • Strengthen and coordinate problem solving of traffic related issues
  • Seek long-term solutions
  • Work with all constituents affected by the problem
  • Anchor programs in data
  • Coordinate staff effort and strategies
  • Reduce other crimes
  • Improve public safety
  • Balance enforcement, engineering, education and emergency response (The four E’s of traffic safety)

Consistent Internal Communication

  • Enhance consistency and coordination across all teams:
  • Increase morale
  • Apply consistent interpretation of policies
  • Increase productivity
  • Meet performance standards
  • Recognize a job well done
  • Employees feel involved and as “owners”
  • Encourage total involvement in constructive solutions
  • Career path development
  • Increased leadership at all levels
  • Calculated risk taking when appropriate to enhance police services
  • Communication is direct, honest, and caring
  • Decision making at lower levels
  • Grapevine “shrinks”
  • Enhanced trust

Increase NPD presence in neighborhoods

  • Better communication with public
  • Increase informal interaction
  • Public recognition and support of community policing concept
  • Community helps to “police” themselves
  • NPD is a resource to the community and the community is a resource to the NPD

Community Policing Values

The Nevada Police Department has adopted the following statements of values:

Maintain service as our primary goal, while vigorously pursuing those who commit crimes.

Ensure that community responsiveness and the prevention of crime shall always be the hallmark of this organization.

Strive to maintain the highest levels of integrity and professionalism in all our members and activities.

Provide courteous police service with respect for the rights and dignity of all the people we serve.

Involve the community in all policing activities that directly affect the quality of community life.

Structure police service in a manner as to reinforce the strengths of the city’s neighborhoods.

Encourage public input regarding the development of policies that directly affect the quality of neighborhood life.

Manage our resources carefully and effectively.

Seek the input of employees concerning matters that affect job satisfaction and effectiveness.

Promote effective partnerships with other community stakeholders.

Remain committed to a shared and open involvement with all segments of our community.