
Variance Application

Variance Application And Notice of Appeal To The Board of Adjustment

General Information

  1. Application Form. Be sure to thoroughly complete and submit all the required materials that are a part of this Variance Application and Notice of Appeal to the Board of Adjustment (hereafter referred to as the “Application”). Failure to do so will result in a delay in processing your appeal until the Application is complete.The Application includes the following:
    Application Form. (This form must be filled out completely for all applications);
    • Site Plan Checklist (Use this Checklist to prepare the Site Plan.);
    Adjoining Property Owner Support Statement. (Completion of this form is optional and not required)
  2. Board Meetings. The Board of Adjustment considers the facts presented by you in this Application and any testimony given under oath by you and any witnesses that you bring with you to the public hearing, together with any witnesses presented by the City. It will then make a final decision, based on the guidelines and requirements contained in Code of Iowa and Nevada City Ordinance Section 122.03. The Board meets regular the Tuesday following the
    second Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1209 Sixth Street, Nevada, Iowa or at the time and place designated by the Chair. At the hearing, you have a right to be represented by an attorney, at your own expense. You are not, however, required to hire an attorney to represent you.
  3. Filing Deadline Fee. See Schedule for deadline to file this Application after the denial of a Building Permit. All required information and materials must be filed with the City Clerk at City Hall, 1209 6th Street, Nevada, Iowa. You must pay the filing fee at the time your Application is filed with the Clerk. The amount of the filing fee is $100.00 for Residential and $200.00 for Commercial and Industrial applications.
  4. Site Plan and Architectural Elevations. The applicant must submit a Site Plan, drawn to scale, that clearly shows the variance being sought. The Site Plan shall be reproducible, black line drawings on a sheet of paper no larger than 11″ x 17″. For additional details pertaining to the Site Plan, Please refer to the “Site Plan Checklist” contained in the Addendum to this Application.
  5. Photos and Exhibits. Materials submitted with the application or presented
    2 as evidence during the public hearing will not be returned and must be kept as part of the public record.
  6. Notification. The City will mail a notice to all property owners within 200 feet of the property that an Application for a Variance has been filed. This notification is done so that concerned individuals will have an opportunity to know what is being proposed and can present information for or against this matter to the Board of Adjustment.

If you have questions about completing this application, please contact the department of planning and zoning: 515-382-5469

Required Application

  • Contact Information

  • To receive an email confirmation


    Ground or Reasons for Requesting Variance

    1. Introduction and General Statement – The Board of Adjustment is prohibited by law from granting a variance unless the Board makes a positive Finding (a determination) that (a) granting the variance will not be contrary to the public interest where, (b) because of special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of the particular zoning ordinance would result in (c) unnecessary hardship to the owner. This Finding must be made with the objective and goal of observing the spirit of the zoning ordinance as a whole so that substantial justice will be done to both the Applicant and the citizens of Nevada. See Iowa Code Section 414.12(3).

    In order for the Board to make this positive Finding (this determination), you must demonstrate to the Board of Adjustment all of the following:

  • 2. Present Facts, Not Conclusions – This appeal will not be successful unless sufficient facts, not mere conclusions, are presented in this Application to justify the variance in light of the requirements of the Ordinance. As a general statement, you must show that the granting of the variance relates to the overall intent and purposes of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan as a whole. These documents are available at City Hall. You are free to review them, but are not required to do so. All of the basic, required information needed is contained in this Application.

  • 3. Building Permit Still Required – pproval of the Variance by the Board of Adjustment in no way absolves the applicant from subsequently obtaining the necessary building permits or other permits from the City of Nevada or from other applicable agencies.



    I (We) certify under penalty of perjury and pursuant to the laws of the State of Iowa, that I (We) have been denied a Building Permit, that I (we) have submitted all the required information for a Variance and that all of the information set forth above is factually true and correct, as I (We) verily believe.

Adjoining Property Owners' Statement
Completion of this form by the applicant is optional.

  • To receive a confirmation email
  • We, the undersigned, own property adjoining (1).

    It is our understanding that (2) has filed an appeal with the Board of Adjustments to allow (3).

    As adjoining property owners, we would have no objections to the issuance of a building permit for the purposes stated above.

  • SignatureAddressDate Signed 

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