
Establish Utility Services

Contact the Utility Billing Department located at City Hall for these services, 515-382-5466.

In order to begin utility service in Nevada, you must complete an application for service. You may print out the form and complete it off-site but it must be returned in person along with photo identification by the person whose name will be on the account. You are also required to provide a social security number, which is kept confidential. These new requirements are from the Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) Red Flag Rule, which implements Section 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 to help prevent identity theft.

Utility bills may be paid in person or in the drop box in the parking lot island in front of City Hall at 1209 6th Street.

Online Payment using a credit, debit (processed as credit) or echeck may be made through our payment portal. A small fee will be charged for this service.

Automatic Payments may also be set up for ACH payment by submitting our ACH Application and voided check. This will allow the city to automatically withdraw the utility bill each month from your account. You will still receive a copy of your statement. The ACH Application may be downloaded here

The City Hall office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. There is a small fee charged for this service.

Electric and gas service north of Highway 30 is provided by Alliant Energy, which may be reached at 800-822-4348. South of Highway 30, the electric is provided by Consumers Energy, which may be reached at 800-696-6552. Natural gas service is provided by Alliant Energy, which may be reached at 800-822-4348.

All utilities are located by calling Iowa One Call at 800-292-8989 or 811 at least 48 hours prior to all excavation. Iowa One Call is a free service.  All buried or underground utilities will be located.

The city licenses garbage haulers in Nevada and these licenses are based on a calendar year. You may sign up for services from any of these providers.

The City of Nevada is a partner in sustainability with the City of Ames’ Public Works Department. Find out more about Ames’ Arnold O. Chantland Resource Recovery System.

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