City Council Meeting
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.
Notice to the Public: The Mayor and City Council welcome comments from the public during discussion on agenda items. If you wish to speak, please complete a card found on the podium near this agenda and hand it to the City Clerk before the meeting. When your name is called, please step to the podium, state your name and address for the record, and speak. The Mayor may limit each speaker to five minutes. If you wish to present written materials and/or a signed petition in addition to your oral presentation, those materials need to be delivered to the City Clerk by noon on the Wednesday prior to the meeting to be included in the Council packet. The normal process on any particular agenda item is that the motion is placed on the floor, input is received from the audience, the Council is given an opportunity to comment on the issue or respond to the audience concerns, and the vote is taken. On ordinances, there is time provided for public input when recognized by the Chair. In consideration of all, if you have a cell phone, please turn it off or put it on silent ring. The use of obscene and vulgar language, hate speech, racial slurs, slanderous comments, and any other disruptive behavior during the Council meeting will not be tolerated and the offender may be barred by the presiding officer from further comment before the Council during the meeting and/or removed from the meeting. The Council will be meeting in the Council Chambers, Zoom may be provided, so long as that option is available.
OR by phone: (312) 626-6799, (646) 558-8656, (301) 715-8592
Webinar ID: 879 6173 3099 Password: 287321
*If you would like to speak through Zoom regarding an agenda item or during public forum prior arrangements are REQUIRED. Written documents may also be submitted.
Please call City Hall at 515-382-5466 or email by 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 28, 2022
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the Agenda
A. Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment to the Nevada Urban Renewal Area
1. Public Hearing
2. Resolution No. 052 (2022/2023): Resolution to Declare Necessity and Establish an Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.4 of the Cod of Iowa and Approve Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the Nevada Urban Renewal Area
3. Ordinance No. 1040 (2022/2023): An Ordinance Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the November, 2022 Addition to the Nevada Urban Renewal Ara, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa
B. Rezoning of 1238 T Avenue, Flummerfelt’s Country Club Estates MHC LLC
1. Public Hearing
2. Ordinance No. 1041 (2022/2023): An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Nevada, Iowa, by Rezoning the Property at 1238 T Avenue, Flummerfelt’s Country Club Estates, MHC LLC, from R-4 (Multiple Family Dwelling District) to R-5 (Mobile Home Park Residential
5. Approval of CONSENT AGENDA (Any item on the Consent Agenda may be removed for separate consideration.)
A. Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on November 14, 2022
B. Approve Payment of Cash Disbursements, including Check Numbers 78880-78945 and Electronic Numbers 1222-1233 (Inclusive) Totaling $3,939,050.21 (See attached list)
C. Approve Financial Reports for Month of October, 2022
D. Approve the Cancellation of the second meeting of December, 2022
E. Approve 2023 Wellness Program
F. Approve 2023 Meeting Dates
G. Approve Tax Abatement:
1. Permit #BP2022-0025, 901 S Glen Avenue, New Home
2. Permit #BP2018-0101, 630 4th Street, Home Remodel
3. Permit #BP2022-0026, 251 West E Ave, New Garage
4. Permit #BP2022-0049, 1335 2nd Street, Addition
6. PUBLIC FORUM: Time set aside for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on the agenda – no action may be taken. (Please keep your comments to five minutes or less.) This is an opportunity for members of the audience to bring to the Council’s attention any item not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to five (5) minutes per citizen, and the City will notify citizens when their time has expired. Speakers may not yield their times to others, and as a general rule this is not a time for exchange of questions. The Mayor has the authority to reduce the time allowed for comment in accordance with the number of persons present and signed up to speak.
A. Ordinance No. 1037 (2022/2023): An Ordinance Amending Chapter 65 (Stop or Yield Required) for Additional Stop Sign on 14th Street and Yield Signs on J Avenue and Chapter 69 (Parking Regulations) for No Parking on south side of H Avenue between 10th & 15th Street, third and final reading
B. Approve Pay Request No. 5 for the Fieldhouse from HPC LLC in the amount of $218,359.40
C. Ordinance No. 1038 (2022/2023): An Ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Nevada, Iowa, by rezoning the property at 625 Academy Circle, Oak Park Estates from R-4 (Multiple Family Dwelling District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development), second reading
D. Ordinance No. 1039 (2022/2023): An Ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of Nevada, Iowa, by rezoning the property at 2000 5th Street from “AR” (Agricultural-Residential Reserve) District, to a “R-2” (Single- and Two-Family Dwelling) District, second reading
E. Approve Change Order No. 1 for WWTF Improvements-Phase 3 from Boomerang Corp. in the amount of ($60,000.00)
F. CDBG-CV MicroEnterprise Funding, Subrogation Agreements
1. Resolution No. 053 (2022/2023): Feltner Properties
2. Resolution No. 054 (2022/2023): Great Plains Millwork
3. Resolution No. 055 (2022/2023): Wild Root Salon
4. Resolution No. 056 (2022/2023): Meyer Chiropractic
5. Resolution No. 057 (2022/2023): Thisday Photography
A. Resolution No. 058 (2022/2023): A Resolution Setting a Date of Meeting at which it is Proposed to Approve a Development Agreement with Van Houweling Properties II, LLC, Including Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments
B. Resolution No. 059 (2022/2023): A Resolution Setting a Date of Meeting at which it is Proposed to Approve a Development Agreement with AK System Solutions LLC, Including Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments
C. Resolution No. 060 (2022/2023): A Resolution Accepting Purchase Agreement and Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easements and Sanitary Sewer Temporary Construction Easements from Henry Land II LLC
D. Resolution No. 061 (2022/2023): A Resolution Approving Material Transfer agreement between Ames National Laboratory and City of Nevada, Iowa
The agenda was posted on the official bulletin board on November 23, 2022, in compliance with the requirements of the open meetings law.