Volunteers play a major role in your City government. They serve on boards and commissions that help determine the direction for many decisions within our community.
We are nearing the start (July 1, 2022) of a new fiscal year, and we are also nearing the completion of terms for some of our current board members. We already know of several board/commission seats that will be vacant.
The Mayor makes appointments to these positions. What mayor-appointed boards and commissions does the City have, and when, each month, do they meet?
Parks/Recreation/Cemetery – 3rd Wednesday @ 5:15 p.m.
Planning and Zoning Commission – 1st Monday @ 6:15 p.m.
Board of Adjustment (as called) – 2nd Tuesday @ 10 a.m.
Library Board – 3rd Monday @ 5 p.m.
Historic Preservation Commission – As needed
Nevada Senior Community Center Board – Ad Needed @ 8:30 a.m.
Persons who are interested in serving should start by completing a volunteer application form, found on our City Website at this link: Boards & Commission Member Application | City of Nevada, Iowa (cityofnevadaiowa.org)
If you have questions, please contact the City at 515-382-5466.