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City Council discusses stop signs, speed limits, and trees

City Streets employee Nathan Holl views the computer screen as the City’s sewer camera identifies tree roots in a sewer line. Watch for a video we will be releasing soon about the City’s new sewer camera system.


Stop signs, speed limits, and trees were some of the most interesting discussions of the Monday, Oct. 23 City Council meeting.

City Administrator Jordan Cook said when the Department of Transportation put up temporary stop signs at the intersection of South G and 19th Street, it created talk about why that hasn’t become a permanent 4-way stop.

City Councilman Dane Nealson, who represents Ward 4 where that intersection is, said that nothing has created more comments to him from residents of the area than wanting the City to put in a permanent 4-way stop at that corner.

Also, a resident of the area was present at the meeting and asked the council to consider lowering the speed limit on South G because cars are going too fast along that street. Nealson echoed her concerns about the speed limit.

Nevada’s Public Safety Department was asked to review these issues and come back to the council with recommendations in the near future.

City Streets Supervisor Joe Mousel spoke to the council about another issue: Trees in the City’s right of way.

Mousel said his employees have been working on trimming trees that are in the right of way over the past week, and he realizes that, in some cases, there are more questions about trees than answers. Mousel asked if the current City ordinances addressing trees could be reviewed and clarify what responsibilities are the property owner’s and what responsibilities are the City’s, and what action can be taken in certain cases. He also noted that the City has spent nearly $192,000 on tree maintenance in the past seven years.

Mousel shared with the council members a picture that was taken with the City’s new sewer camera of tree roots in a sewer line, which brought forth the matter of planting new trees in the right of way.

Mayor Brett Barker said he understands the concerns of putting trees in the right of way, but at the same time, he’d like to balance those concerns with having a nice tree canopy in our City and maybe finding trees that don’t have extensive root spread.

City Councilman Brian Hanson didn’t disagree with the Mayor’s idea of wanting a nice tree canopy but said he also knows examples of intersections in town where untrimmed trees create dangers because drivers don’t have enough line of sight.

Everyone agreed that “balance” is needed when it comes to trees. City Attorney Erin Clanton also noted that some cities allow certain types of trees to be planted in the right of way, and residents have to apply for a permit to plant those trees.

Mousel said he gets calls every day about trees. “The ordinance needs to be clear,” he emphasized.

It was decided to create a committee to review the code concerning trees and develop recommendations for clarifying the code. Council members Steve Skaggs and Sandy Ehrig volunteered to serve on this committee.


–Written by Marlys Barker, City of Nevada

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