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Nevada Police Department preparing for fun Easter activity in March!

Hey kids! Get Ready! One of our favorite past activities is back this spring!
In anticipation of Easter, on March 31, members of the Nevada PD will be looking for kids to put out their bunnies/rabbits so that we can ‘egg’ your house!
If you want to participate, here’s how it works:
• Have kids decorate the front of the house, porch, or yard with bunnies/rabbits. These can be pictures colored and taped to windows or doors, inflatables, stuffed animals in a window, or whatever creative way you can imagine to bring bunnies/rabbits into view.
• Once you have your bunny/rabbits ready, a parent or guardian must email Be sure “Egging Activity” is in the subject line, and then include your address and the number of kids participating at your household.
• Your kids can then watch for “eggs” (the candy kind) to be placed somewhere in your front yard area by one of our officers, and just to be sure you know our officer stopped by, the parent who emailed in will receive an email from us letting you know we were there!
Just to remind you, this activity is happening through the month of March only.
We thank our great business sponsors, NuCara and State Bank & Trust, who purchased the candy for this community endeavor!
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