
November 27 City Council Meeting Highlights

Nevada City Council approved another round of human services grants after hearing from Brenda Dryer on behalf of the Nevada Foundation, which reviews all grant applications.

Dryer said only two entities applied for the remaining funds of approximately $11,000 left to give out this year. The committee reviewed those applications and suggested an award of $6,000 to the Cubbies Cupboard at the school for its weekend meals program and $5,000 to Youth and Shelter Services to be used on summer enrichment programming.

Councilman Dane Nealson asked about increasing the street lighting in the area south of Highway 30, where the bypass is currently under construction. City Administrator Jordan Cook responded that the City is working on this matter, which had also been brought forth by Councilwoman Sandy Ehrig, who lives in that area of town. Cook said the lights will take approximately five weeks to come in, and their placement needs DOT approval. He is hopeful to have lights in place early in January.

Library Director Erin Coughlin reported that the library board is receiving quotes on the chairlift, and it appears there will be enough funding to purchase two chairlifts, one for both staircases leading to the library’s basement.

The Council was also made aware of a mayoral appointment of resident Nate Ramirez to the Historic Preservation Commission.

–Written by Marlys Barker, City of Nevada

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