Since October 1, we have been in the midst of one of Nevada’s Open Burn Seasons.
When burning, you must follow Nevada’s ordinance regarding open burning and when it is allowed.
City of Nevada Ordinance 105.05 “OPEN BURNING RESTRICTED” defines how waste can be stored and disposed of.
Open burning between Oct. 1 and Nov. 20, may not commence before 8 a.m. and fires must be fully extinguished by 5 p.m.
To comply with the law and keep yourself safe, there are some additional guidelines to follow. A competent adult needs to attend all open fires of landscape waste at all times until the fire is fully extinguished. In addition, this adult needs to have fire extinguishing equipment readily available, such as a garden hose that is connected to a working water supply. Flammable or combustible liquids, accelerants, or tires are all prohibited from being used to start a fire. Your burn pile cannot be within 40 feet of any structure, including wooden fences and utility poles, or within a public utility easement. Before conducting an open burn, consider the weather conditions. Controlled burns “caught by the wind” that turn into uncontrolled burns are a common type of call that we receive each year.
There are additional ways you can dispose of yard waste, such as mulching or checking with your garbage provider on their yard waste removal guidelines.
If you have any questions about open burn, you can contact Fire Chief Ray Reynolds at 515-382-4593.
Open Burning Season Continues through November 20
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