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Release from Story County Emergency Management about Storm Damage


Nevada, Iowa Tornado Damage in Cambridge, Nevada and Colo Iowa



It has been confirmed that a tornado has hit areas of Cambridge, Nevada and Colo. First responders are assessing life safety and damages, There are downed power lines and debris in the affected areas. We are asking people to stay home and out of areas that sustained damage. We appreciate the public’s patience as the situation is addressed. Individuals that need assistance with sheltering or other needs may call the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767. Ongoing information as available will be posted on the County’s website at, Instagram at storycounty, and Facebook at Story County Emergency Management, Story County, and Joseph Story. Local media outlets will be updated as information is available, however social media updates may be more timely as the situation unfolds.

Please use the form at this link to report damage to property, roads, utilities or other storm-related information. This damage report will be sent to Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management and made available to your local emergency manager to better understand the event that caused the damage. Your contact information contained in the damage report will be kept confidential pursuant to Iowa Code § 22.7 (18).


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