
Report on the Feb. 13 Public Meeting regarding Proposed Annexation

Public Meeting regarding Proposed Annexation from Lincoln Hwy to US 30 and 590th to W 18th Street

Held Monday, February 13, 2023 at 5 p.m. at City Hall


A public meeting was held on Monday, February 13, 2023 at 5 p.m. to discuss the proposed annexation from Lincoln Highway and US30 between 590th Street and W 18th Street.

In attendance were Mayor Brett Barker, City Administrator Jordan Cook, City Attorney Erin Clanton, Dane Nealson, Jason Sampson, Sandy Ehrig, Steve Skaggs, Brian Hanson, several staff members and approximately 30 citizens.

City Administrator Cook advised that only City Tax could be abated up to a 10-year sliding scale of:

Year 1 & 2 – 75%; Year 3 & 4- 60%; Year 5 & 6- 45%; Year 7 & 8- 30%; and Year 9 & 10- 15%. An estimation will be provided for anyone who would like to see the costs involved for their properties. Cook asked if they would provide their email addresses to send them out.

He also reviewed the proposed Annexation Agreement and fielded questions.

Highlights of the questions:

Could abatements be transferable if the property is sold? City Attorney Clanton advised it is typically not, but it is something the council could consider including.

What would the procedure be for Building Permits and the process for building on land within the city, if annexed? Planning and Zoning Administrator Hutton advised Council would consider keeping with the same process the county uses, however, we would require a permit. The City could look at waiving fees, and adjusting other requirements if necessary.

Zoning questions and how the properties would be zoned? Hutton noted all unimproved or agricultural land would be considered as lying in the AR Agricultural/Residential Reserve District, and any improved property would be zooned according to the zoning district that most nearly describes its present use. If a property owner or potential developer requested a zoning change, that would be considered.

Who would maintain county tiles? City Attorney Clanton explained that the tiles are the property of the County and there is likely an easement agreement that sets forth the County’s obligation to maintain the tiles, regardless of annexation.

Who would maintain roadways? If they are currently a county road and inside the proposed annexed area, the city would take over maintenance. If the road is currently owned or maintained by a private individual the road would remain private.

What will the valuation of land be post-annexation? It was explained that the land would have the same land valuation unless adjusted by the County.

The public also inquired about the timeline and what percentage of acres were accepting voluntary annexation. With a potential developer wanting to purchase a parcel within the proposed annexation area, it is hoped to have everything wrapped up by June or before. Staff will attempt to keep all informed of any updates on the percentage of those who are voluntarily willing to be annexed.

–This Report was written by City Administrative Staff

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