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September is National Library Card Sign-up Month

Did you know September is National Library Card Sign-up Month?

During Monday’s Nevada City Council meeting, Mayor Brett Barker signed a proclamation for this event, and the Council heard a report from Nevada Library Director Erin Coughlin.

Coughlin noted that so far this month, 29 new cards have been issued, and so far this fiscal year (which began July 1), 104 new cards have been issued. During the previous fiscal year, July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, 442 new cards were issued. Coughlin is hoping for a bump in new cards this year, because the City library is partnering with the Nevada School District to get all students a limited-use card at the library!

If you don’t have a library card, be sure to pop in and get one soon and open your mind to all the resources you can access at the Nevada Public Library!

Read the full proclamation here

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