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Meet FFAC Lifeguard Jaylynn Olson

What grade are you going into this fall? I’ll be a 10th grader at Nevada High School.

Who are your parents? Rachel Olson and Justin Olson

How long have you been a lifeguard? This is my first year.

What do you like most about lifeguarding? I really like seeing all the kids and my co-workers. The managers are nice to work with, and I really like the sun and water.

How has this job helped you grow? I feel like, before this, I wasn’t good at giving directions to people. Now that’s my job, and I’m getting better at it.

What else keeps you busy during the summer? Playing softball, walking my dog, hanging out with friends, and I just returned from vacation with my family. We went to Yellowstone National Park. Seeing all the animals was cool. I also saw lots of water, walked some creeks and spent a lot of time with family.

What do you say most when you are working? “It’s really hot.” But I like the hot temperatures because it brings more people to the pool.

What is your favorite lifeguarding station? I like the bottom of the slides or being in the red chair.

What do you enjoy most when you are swimming? I like going off the diving board, swimming in the deep end, and touching the bottom of the 12-foot area.

FFAC is in its 20th year of operation — why do you think it’s still a great place to spend time? Because the people who run it and work here are nice and caring people, and if you come here you will always have a really good time.

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