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‘Park and Walk,’ or ‘Park and Be Shuttled’ during first-ever Pizza·Pie·Looza

Here is your guide for parking to enjoy the May 14 Pizza·Pie·Looza events

We are excited as ever to bring you a big event in the downtown area. BUT, there won’t be enough parking in the blocks around the downtown for all those attending the day’s events and the evening’s big concert, featuring Jo Dee Messina.

So, here are several great options we’ve created for those who want to get to the downtown area.

During the afternoon events, from 2-6 p.m., we will have several Park and Walk areas not far from the downtown.

  • You may park free of charge in the ALMACO parking lot along Lincoln Highway, about five blocks west of the Main Street District.
  • You may park in the Central Elementary parking lot between 9th and 10th streets along H Avenue, which is four blocks east and a few blocks south of the Main Street District.
  • You may – unless a service is taking place – park in the St. Patrick’s Catholic Church parking lot along Lincoln Highway, about four to five blocks east of the Main Street District.

You may also utilize these Park and Walk areas for the evening concert.

Starting at 4:30 p.m., we have even more great parking options for those attending the Jo Dee Messina concert in front of City Hall.

If you live south of Highway 30, and west of Indian Creek, Bus Guys will provide transportation to the Main Street District from Maple Avenue (where you turn to go into the Country Club Estates park), and from Lakeshore Drive, just off Maple. There will be ONE pick-up only from this area, around 4:30-4:35 p.m., with a drop-off at the downtown area around 4:45 p.m.

If you live south of Highway 30, and east of Indian Creek, Bus Guys will provide transportation to the Main Street District from the Mardean Park area, along South I Avenue. There will be ONE pick-up only from this area around 4:55 p.m., with a drop-off downtown around 5:05 p.m.

North of Highway 30, Bus Guys will run a shuttle, starting at 5:15 p.m. from four parking areas to the downtown, up to 7:30 p.m. Here are the places you can park and await the shuttle:

Nevada Baptist Church, 210 West 3rd Street

First Christian Church, 250 E Avenue

General Financial Supply (GFS), 1235 N Avenue

Harrington Park west lot, along Lincoln Highway just east of 15th Street

When the Jo Dee Messina concert ends, we will have several shuttles running from the Main Street District to the locations south of 30 and the parking areas for 2 solid hours. Pick up to get a return ride will be at the intersection of 6th Street and N Avenue – north of the concert area.

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