
Ready, get set … to realize your running potential

shows image of 2 runners

Nevada – “The biggest little running town in Iowa!”


This phrase was used by local resident Sarah Gilchrist to describe all that Nevada offers when it comes to the pastime of running.


Between the organization, RUN (Runners United Nevada) and the races it sponsors and supports, plus the running programs that Nevada offers, Gilchrist said Nevada is a “hidden gem” in the “running” world. And, spring is a great time for seasoned runners, new runners and potential runners to begin preparing for the warmer months and the programs and races that are coming up locally and afar.


This year RUN will sponsor three big 5K races in the City of Nevada, IA:

  • May 10, Pizza Pie Looza 5K, which starts and ends at the old Billy Sunday Field
  • June 21, Freedom Run 5K & 10K, which starts and ends at the Nevada Field House at SCORE
  • August 23, Lincoln Highway Days 5K, which starts at SCORE and ends at the corner of 6th Street and Lincoln Highway


RUN will also help with two other summer run events: the 1-Mile Donut Dash fun run, hosted by Bricktown Bakery on June 7; and the Nevada Alumni Run on August 9, hosted by the Nevada High School Cross Country teams.

runners start Freedom Run of 2022
Runners are shown starting the Freedom Run in 2022.

Many seasoned runners are beginning their tried and true running routines to get in shape for all of the upcoming events. High school and middle school runners are participating in track. But what about those who want to take up the hobby of running, and don’t know where to start? Keep reading.


Sarah and her partner in crime, Kim Koch, are both involved in RUN and in other efforts to get more people involved in running. The two began a youth running program – GO FAR – for 5th and 6th graders in 2017. That program seeks to introduce younger kids to the sport of running, so they might become involved in the 7th through 12th grade cross country and track programs and learn a pastime that can be good for their health throughout their lives.


GO FAR begins again this spring on Tuesday, April 1, meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Harrington Park. Participants meet after school and workout until 4:30. The program ends on May 10 with the Pizza Pie Looza 5K.


GO FAR is $75 per child, and includes 12 training sessions, a GO FAR Club T-shirt, PPL race registration and snacks.


Last year, Sarah and Kim introduced an adult version of GO FAR called “You Can Do It.” This opportunity for adults new to running will be held again this spring, also starting April 1. Participants will meet at the Nevada Field House from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The adult program also concludes May 10 with the Pizza Pie Looza 5K.

Shown are GO FAR participants in a previous year.

You Can Do It is free to participants, but participants do need to pay their PPL Race Registration fees ($35 for earlybirds and $40 after that). You can do it participants should note that the registration deadline for the Pizza Pie Looza 5K is March 26, a few days before the program begins. So, sign up soon!


Sarah and Kim are co-leaders of both running programs, and currently Sarah is President of RUN.


As President of RUN, which was founded in 2018, Sarah said she works with people on the RUN Board who are “hands-down some of the best people to work with. They are so dedicated and full of good ideas, and are generally just fun people to hang out with.”


Her RUN involvement is enjoyable, especially on race days. “I enjoy seeing people connecting on race day. High school runners are catching up with alunni teammates who come back to run and visiting with runners from other schools. Commonly, I’ll see grandma and mom pushing a stroller with a little one, so three generations are participating together.”


She loves how supportive the running community is of each other. “No one gives a flying fig how fast you are. They just appreciate that you’re out there doing it!”


Sarah is thankful for the support of great sponsors who make the Nevada races possible through RUN. These sponsors not only support the races, but also make it possible for RUN to raise money and give donations to worthy causes in Nevada.


Sarah and Kim would love to see new youth and new adults become involved in the running programs this spring. In recent years they’ve witnessed the growth that new youth runners can make over the course of six weeks.


They also believe in the health benefits that running can offer to people of any age. Many adults believe a 5K race is an insurmountable feat, but “our purpose is to help adults carve out the time to train, give them a feasible workout, and arm them with information and techniques that will help them achieve their goal,” Sarah said.


The physical and mental health benefits of running are numerous, she added. “It’s a great way to get outside and enjoy nature, doing something that doesn’t involve a screen, connecting with family and friends, exploring new areas and perhaps meeting new people!”


If you are interested in signing up for You Can Do It or signing your child(ren) up for GO FAR, please reach out to: (for the youth program) (for the adult program)



Residents of Nevada are asked to be on the lookout for runners this spring. Sarah says, “Watch out as you back out of your driveway or drive down the road. Give those pedestrians at least a half-lane! Keeping your dog leashed is really important…every runner has stories of being charged by loose dogs and how dangerous that can be. Keep your trees and bushes trimmed so people can pass under and by them on the sidewalk. Speaking of sidewalks, those that are raised and jagged are a tripping hazard and a liability for the property owner. 

Let’s make a safe environment for those who are out walking, running or biking.


–Written by Marlys Barker, City of Nevada

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