
Utility Rates

Below is a clear explanation of how water usage is billed. Any water bill-related questions should be directed to Nevada City Hall 1209 6th Street. Phone: 515-382-5466


$16.30 Monthly Connection Fee
$7.50 Charge for 1,000 gallons
+6% Sales Tax on Service and Water (Wet Tax) Consumption


$20.00 Monthly Connection Fee
$10.00 Charge for 1,000 gallons

Sewer Construction

$8.00 Monthly Connection Fee

Resource Recovery Fee

$1.60 Fee based on number of units

Storm Sewer Fee

$5.25 Fee based on number of units

Minimum Service Charge

$16.30 (Water) + $0.98 (Tax) + $20.00 (Sewer) + $8.00 (Sewer Const.)
+ $1.60 (Resource Recovery) + $5.25 (Storm Sewer) = $52.13


$16.30+Flat monthly connection fee for water
$ 7.50XPer thousand gallon consumption
5900 GAL=Consumption
$ 44.25*Cost of consumption
$ 60.55Total of Water
$ 60.55XTotal of Water
$ .06=6% sales tax on water
$ 3.63Tax on Water
$ 20.00+Flat monthly connection fee for sewer
$ 10.00XPer thousand gallon consumption
5900 GAL=Consumption
$ 59.00*Cost of consumption
$ 79.00Total of Sewer
$ 8.00+Flat Monthly Connection Fee for Sewer Construction*
$ 5.25+Flat Monthly Storm Sewer Fee
$1.60+Flat Monthly Resource Recovery Fee
$158.03=Total Bill*
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