We’ve heard the word “snow” in the forecast, so even though big snow could be a ways off, we want residents to be reminded of how the Snow Emergency policy works in Nevada.
If 1-inch of snow is forecast, the City’s Snow Emergency is automatically in effect, and all vehicles must be removed from City streets and public parking areas. If you violate this ordinance, you may receive a parking ticket with a fine of $55. Plan how you will get your vehicle out of these public areas, so you do not receive a ticket.
Also, during a snow emergency, residents are responsible for clearing snow around their mailboxes to ensure mail delivery. Residents are also asked to help keep snow cleared from around fire hydrants. This help is important to public safety crews’ ability to access the hydrants if there is a fire emergency in your neighborhood.
The City appreciates all who follow the rules and help us with these seasonal directives.