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Notice: Last section of concrete removal to start

Corey Merrigan, Nevada’s Downtown Construction Project Manager with Construct, Inc., said the last portion of concrete removal, between M and N avenues on the east side of Sixth Street, is expected to start this Friday, Sept. 3.

Barring any problems, Merrigan said, parking on the west side of Sixth Street, between M and N avenues, will remain open.

The stretch of pavement between M and N avenues on Sixth is the last section of concrete removal planned for the Downtown Construction Project. This stretch of Sixth Street, north of Lincoln Highway, will be the final portion of work done in the two-year-long Downtown Construction Project.

In a construction update earlier this month, Merrigan said it’s hard to tell when the last part of the project will be complete. “If the schedule doesn’t lie to us, it looks to me that On Track will be done with its work for this project by the end of September. That would mean we’d move in to work on concrete for that last block and half block by Oct. 1,” he said. They’d then finish sidewalk, electrical, and painting in October.


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