
Q & A with a new member of the City’s engineering team, Casey Patton

The City of Nevada receives engineering services from HR Green in Johnston. We are pleased to introduce the newest member of the team serving our community. Welcome to working with us in Nevada, Casey Patton.

Where do you reside? Waukee, Iowa

What is your title and position with HR Green, and how long have you worked for the firm? I’ve been with HR Green for just over two years as a Senior Project Manager. I have over 20 years of experience working with small and large municipalities on infrastructure issues in Missouri and Iowa.

Are you excited to work on projects in Nevada, Iowa? I’m excited to be a part of the Nevada team as I see a community that understands the importance of investing in itself. This is evident by the community’s growth, but also the reinvestment in downtown.

What are your favorite pastimes/hobbies? In my spare time, I enjoy tackling home improvement projects, barbecuing, and spending time with friends and family.

Who are the members of your family? My wife, Kerri, is a nurse practitioner with Unity Point in Des Moines. She’s also a master gardener and spends much of her time in warmer weather working in her gardens. We have a son, Tristin, who is 22 and was recently married. He and his wife live in West Des Moines and visit quite often. Our daughter, Mia, is 17 and completing her senior year of high school with plans to attend the University of Iowa next fall to study nursing. We also have three dogs, two cats, and one lizard.

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