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Longtime ABWA group gets new name and tries a new fundraiser during pandemic

In 1976, a group of ladies started a local chapter of a national organization – Nevada Bicentennial Chapter of ABWA (American Business Women’s Association). Over the years, there have been hundreds of women come and go as members and the chapter has given out thousands of dollars in local scholarships to eastern Story County students.

The annual craft fair, hosted the second weekend in November, not only brought many shoppers to Nevada, it was also the fundraising mechanism for those scholarships.

About a year ago, the local ladies who are involved in this group decided to rebrand ourselves to a standalone local organization. Our new club is Women Helping Others (WHO). The goal of providing local scholarships remains.

While COVID-19 has stymied our ability to hold the annual craft fair this year, we are planning to host it in 2021. Our group meets monthly on the second Thursday at 6 p.m. for a meal and camaraderie with some business thrown in. We would love to increase our membership and would be honored to have guests and prospective members any time. There is no cost or commitment to join – just wonderful service and friendship.

If you are interested in attending a meeting or joining the organization, please email us at to get meeting info.

In the spirit of kicking off our new name, we are trying something new until mass gatherings like the craft fair are safe to do. The “WHO” invites the public to participate in our new online auction fundraiser. We are currently in the process of securing items for you to bid on and have several unique items already.

If you have something you’d like to donate please email us at

The auction will be held March 22-April 5, 2021 as an online event. This is a chance to support our scholarship fund for students in Eastern Story County – and, in addition, support local businesses. We will have posters around town with more information and promote it through our Facebook page.

–News release submitted by Women Helping Others

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