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Meet one of our FFAC Managers Lucas Rogers

Your age? 19

Year you graduated from Nevada High School? 2020

Parents: Jennifer Rogers and my stepdad, Tim Hackbart

What is your job at FFAC? Manager, one of four

Do you have past experience at FFAC? Yes, I did four years of lifeguarding.

What do you enjoy most about working at FFAC? I like it when I am part of a good crew of workers, and everything goes smoothly. Obviously, this work can be stressful with all these kids here. But, my favorite thing is working with the other pool workers and with the patrons.

What have you done since graduating from high school? I’ve worked a couple jobs in delivery and landscaping. I’m looking to attend DMACC and then my overall goal is to someday be a Real Estate agent. Working at the pool has helped me become better at talking with people and Real Estate agents have to be good at that.

What is your favorite thing about FFAC? The diving board, because that’s where people can have the most fun and do free-style things.

What is your best advice for all the lifeguards? We have a lot of young adults working here, and I try to tell them that while they can socialize a little bit out here, when they are on lifeguard duty, they need to focus on their job. People’s lives are in our hands.

What is your favorite item at the concessions stand? I always liked the walking tacos back in the day when I was a kid. They don’t have them anymore.

How many swimsuits do you own? Four

What is your best swim move? I’d have to say the breast stroke. I try to do 200 yards a day by breast stroke, because it’s a full body workout.

Is there anything else you’d like to comment on? If anybody is questioning working at the pool, I say, “Do it!” It’s a good job, and you can make good money and make new friends. I also want to say that former pool manager, Tonya; her daughter, Abby; and Jack Cheville, who used to work here, they were the ones who really taught me the ropes of lifeguarding.

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