Be Prepared for Snow Emergencies
The City of Nevada’s Snow Emergency will AUTOMATICALLY be in effect whenever 1 inch or more of snow has fallen.
Maximum Property Tax Dollars
House File 718 created a new requirement for Cities and Counties. One was to notify citizens of the proposed property tax levy that were being considered by all entities. Counties will be sending out a new statement to each property owner showing what the levies would look like with a $100,000 property. After the mailing the City is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed property tax levy.
FY26 Proposed Property Tax Levy
FY25 Proposed Property Tax Levy
Final Budget approved for FY2025
Senate File 634 requires Cities to pass a resolution establishing their maximum property tax dollars to certify for levy, post notification, and hold a public hearing and vote. The legislation specified certain levies (not all) to be listed in property tax dollars compared to the previous year.
FY24 Revised Maximum Property Tax Notice after Senate File 181
FY24 Maximum Property Tax Notice
FY23 Maximum Property Tax Notice
FY22 Maximum Property Tax Notice
FY21 Maximum Property Tax Notice
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Be Prepared for Snow Emergencies
The City of Nevada’s Snow Emergency will AUTOMATICALLY be in effect whenever 1 inch or more of snow has fallen.